An installation piece for NikeLab’s “The Vision-Airs” exhibition to explore the techniques behind Nike Air and celebrate the release of Nike Air VaporMax.
Feng draws on the history and evolution of Nike Air to present a future vision of air in motion as air in harmony with the body. Echoing the futuristic new technologies at the core of VaporMax, air cushions interlock to create modular components, enfolding and protecting the body, allowing flexible repurposing and functionality, in all manner of situations, and redrawing the profile in potentially infinite ways.
The adaptability and vision of the design hints at the possibility of garments that can grow and reshape indefinitely, into new scales and structures, offering freedom, volume without mass, and the potential for the body to engage with and to reshape localized space. In these garments, discrete air units combine into flexible, integrated and holistic manifestations, with limitless possibilities.
Images: sidewalkhustle